Meet the Team

  • Portrait of a man wearing glasses and a polo shirt, labeled as "Owner Marc Depatie."
  • Person seated in a modern chair within a circular frame, with text reading "Owner Sue Depatie."
  • A smiling person wearing a black hoodie with red lettering, labeled as "Project Manager Tony G," sitting indoors with a snowy window view in the background.
  • Smiling woman named Tanya labeled as Scheduler Dispatch.
  • A man in a red shirt, identified as a plumbing estimator, sitting at a desk and smiling. Text above says "Plumbing Estimator John."
  • Portrait of a man labeled "HVAC Estimator/Service Tech Tony P" smiling, wearing a striped shirt in a social setting.
  • Portrait of a smiling man with glasses, labeled "Purchaser Pierre."
  • Portrait of a woman labeled "Showroom Consultant Leyla" with wavy hair, wearing glasses and jewelry, against a wooden backdrop.